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Inner Alchemy
soul retrieval coaching program

becoming Masters of Change leads to thriving

In order to fully heal, we must meet ourselves face to face, acknowledging all aspects of ourselves - light + shadow included. Transforming the shadow aspects into light, wholeness, allows us to experience our full potential, live life fully, joyfully + passionately, no matter where our unique path may lead us. An avenue of rapid transformation is soul retrieval, a healing experience that every soul experiencing themselves as human can benefit from.


By the time we are 7 years old, all major traumas + belief systems (many of which limiting) have been "imprinted". Traumas + pains occurring after this age typically have a root to something that occurred in those early years, or sometimes to a past/parallel lifetime. Each early trauma fractures a part of our soul, which splits off and dives deep down into the safe embrace of Pachamama, our Earth Mother. The fracturing of our soul allows that soul part to flee, staying protected + whole; however we are left with a void in which we endlessly try to fill to stop the wound's pain. We try to fill the void in myriad ways, perhaps through overworking, materialism, people-pleasing, drug or alcohol abuse, codependency, avoidance, anger, novelty or adrenaline seeking habits, (unbalanced) sex, or even endless travelling. 


The only way to truly cease the pain and fill the void is by retrieving this soul part and returning your soul back to wholeness. 


Inner Alchemy is a soul retrieval coaching program that guides you through the alchemical process of soul retrieval.


For many of us, preparation to welcome back our soul parts is necessary. We must ready ourselves to meet ourselves face to face. And once that beautiful aspect of our soul has been "brought home", there is an integration process. We must nurture that soul piece, make room in our life for this aspect of ourselves. This tending process can be slow or quite rapid. At times, soul retrieval can knock us off our equilibrium. We feel disjointed, out of sorts. Integration is necessary to fully embody our freshly returned soul piece.


Inner Alchemy assists you in preparing to welcome home your soul fragments, soul retrieval, and the integration of your soul part once it has come home to you through soul coaching, shamanic healing, quantum healing + more over the span of 8 or 12 weeks.


You have personal soul support + compassionate guidance throughout your whole process, with the potential to shed any limiting beliefs, expand your consciousness, + heal aspects that until now have been hidden from you.


We also offer our Deep Dive Soul Coaching program, which is a 4 week healing + coaching program to catalyze your journey. This is an excellent option for you if you are:


- new upon your awakening or healing journey

- ready to commit to deeper inner work

- desiring consistent 1:1 support; however soul retrieval isn't relevant for you at this time

Deep Dive: 4 week

Soul Coaching



week 1: Reiki + Mystic Wisdom


week 2: Soul Spark Session (Quantum Healing)


week 3: Sound Bath, Reiki or Mystic Wisdom


week 4: Guided Healing Meditation or Journeywork

Inner Alchemy: 8 week Soul Retrieval Program



week 1: Reiki + Mystic Wisdom

week 2: Soul Spark Session (Quantum Healing)

week 4: Shamanic healing

week 6: Soul Retrieval

week 8: Healing Hike 


+ 3 check in calls on integration weeks

+ soul support via the signal app

+ ceremonial cacao



Inner Alchemy: 12 week Soul Retrieval Program



week 1: Reiki + Mystic Wisdom

week 2: Soul Spark (Quantum Healing)

week 4: Shamanic Healing

week 6: Guided Journeywork

week 8: Soul Retrieval

week 10: Healing Hike

week 12: Reiki or Guided Journeywork


+ 5 check in calls on integration weeks

+ soul support via the signal app

+ ceremonial cacao

ready for a deep transformation?

apply for inner alchemy with this form below

we are excited to co-create with you!

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