Perhaps one of the greatest challenges, and a sound marker for true growth of heart and spirit, is to truly take responsibility for all your actions inside of your magnificent growth. Especially through those times of darkness, when the world seemed to be against you, when you found yourself experiencing yet another round of the depths of darkness…another kind of victim story. This is one of the great lessons of the Jaguar archetype.
To recognize that it’s never just you being the victim. That you always play your part, consciously and unconsciously.
Time and time again I see triumphant posts, hear exalted shares, expressing all the parts of growth where one became their own hero, spoke up for themself, set a boundary, got out of something toxic, etc. Over time, I’ve shared plenty of those stories too, big and small.
On one hand, power to us, yes! We do need to be celebrated, to celebrate ourselves, the growth that has unfolded. We deserve that. It can be the light that keeps us going. The corner that’s turned.
AND sometimes, those triumphant shares are the victim stories being perpetuated. What do I mean by that??? Well, it is so important to also acknowledge our part in that which unfolded, that which we experienced. That we were a CREATOR in what came forth, that we attracted that situation based on what we’ve yet to resolve within ourselves - that there were shadows at play. Jaguar medicine brings our shadows forth, that which has been hidden in the dark. We get to choose how we will respond, who we will be, in those moments that the shadows are brought to light from the depths of our subconscious. And it’s not always brought forth smoothly, and therefore our choices aren’t always smooth or well thought out - more often it’s messy, distorted and funky, all in expedient action.
As we heal from those situations, we need to name our shadows, call them forth, the dark parts that don’t want to be seen. The part that never wants to be wrong, the part that is enraged, the part that could never ever be the perpetrator (in the archetype of victim/perpetrator dynamic), the part that needs to give advice on (fix) an issue even when it is actively part of creating that very issue, the part that must defy to be seen, the part that leaves first so we won’t be hurt, the part that cannot, will not, respect boundaries, the part that projects onto others, the part that will do absolutely anything so that we won’t be abandoned yet again….and the possibilities of the victim shadow go on and on.
Being the victim has been the theme of humanity for aeons. Some may even say since the “fall of man” or the “fall of Atlantis or Lemuria.” All shadows are victim states.
If we never own our part in how we’ve been the victim in our life, then there will be a continuation of experiences in which we get to be the victim. You’ll keep harvesting something you never believed you planted. You’ll keep getting booted. You’ll keep finding the wrong mate. You’ll keep receiving the short end of the stick. You’ll keep losing money. You’ll keep getting betrayed. Whatever the story, it’ll just be wrapped in new fancy packaging. As the axiom goes, ‘as you sow, so you shall reap.’ Though the surface details may seem to contradict this, on an energetic level, deep within your ego awareness and energetic field, it is true.
If we’re going to share our becoming, the gifts and light we’ve risen into, perhaps it’s time to share all aspects of that. It takes great bravery to name all the ways we showed up. That we found our voice, stood for ourselves and our needs, and that in the process it was messy. In the process, we worked through certain shadow by expressing them. And that people in our realities were affected by those choices, conscious or unconscious. If there still is complain or blame hidden or openly expressed within our growth story, then there is still unveiling work to do! Once we take responsibility though, then true change is happening.
Part of unconditional love is acknowledging all of that. Loving those parts back into wholeness. Acknowledging the victim stories, the way we were the victim AND the way we perpetuated that. The way we responded or didn’t responded. The way we acted or didn’t act. The way we spoke or didn’t speak. How all the choices affected us and those in our personal world.
And remember, taking full responsibility is an act of loving accountability; it is NOT assuming guilt or making oneself wrong or shaming oneself. Usually, accountability comes with "this, and" statements and understandings.
We’re in the collective time where we truly resolve these shadows. In this, we can truly engage our Jaguar bodies - becoming impeccable with our thoughts, words and actions. Seeing clearly. Engaging in right (balanced) action. Releasing drama. Releasing the seeking. This is part of the process of truly realizing freedom.