Conversations with Geoffrey (@consciouslyg), Jackie (@jackiegalactic) and others have been revealing a prominent theme:
C O N S I S T E N C Y.
being a key to create/become
D E V O T I O N.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a religious or spiritual path. If it’s a healing modality - for self-healing or to help illuminate another’s pathway. If it’s a career vocation. If you're wanting to run a marathon.
The message is the same.
You must devote yourself to the path (whatever your path may be). Be consistent with it, through your choices, your habits, your words, your actions. This is discipline - consistency in action - creating Devotion. Allow yourself to dive deep.
There’s an abundance of pathways to guide you into deeper innerstanding. It’s fun to give many a try. And even in that "giving it a try" stage, sometimes you must create consistency with the modality to see if it's a right fit for your soul path.
And at a certain point, the your Soul invites you to choose just one or two and
d i v e i n. Go deep.
I've been drawn to many paths over the years. Some have been stepping stones (like Reiki), some I've started but have moved to the back burner, and some have called to my heart to keep going and go deep. The Andean Mountain traditions have been a deep calling, felt in my bones to go all in for. OPL Quantum Healing is moving from the backburner forward. How I love the Gene Keys, yet that's still on the backburner. My Soul has spoken - the ascension path of OPL Quantum Healing and my path as a paq'o are the two to be devoted to.
Mastery isn’t the quantity of pathways and modalities you know about. It’s how you embody. Are you living the medicine you teach??
These times are inviting me inward too. To go deeper. Dive into the primordial oceans of my God Presence I AM. I pray your pathway within is lit up for you, and you find what it is to devote yourself to.
And if you’d like a hand along the way, well that’s my service work and I am here to be a guide until you’re ready to spread your wings and fly.