Miro ojo a ojo
Con un Q'ero
Miles de caras, miles de vidas
Mirándome fijamente
Mientras su Corazón
Por palabras, presencia y medicina
Recuérdale a mi Corazón
Que todos somos Uno
Cada uno somos
La Medicina
Soy la Medicina
Mientras Pachamama me abraza
Y Gran Espíritu danza sobre y dentro de mi
Acepto este Verdad
Urpillay Sonqoyay
I look a Q'ero
Deep in the eyes
Many faces, many lives
Looking back into mine
As his Heart
Through words, presence and medicine
Remind my Heart
We are all One
We each are
The Medicine
I am the Medicine
As Pachamama holds me
And Spirit dances within and around me
I accept this Truth
Urpillay Sonqoyay
We were abundant in gifts all along our Journey throughout Cusco and Puno. One of the greatest for me, death and rebirth. I hold great gratitude and love for this man, this beautiful Paq'o, Julio/Mauqi. Together we embraced and embodied Otorongo, as Pumahuanca held us. The gifts of being an allyu, of receiving, accepting, embracing the Munay of Pachamama, of Great Spirit, of all our spirit allies, and of our fellow brothers and sisters. Urpillay Sonqoyay 💜
💜 Munay Munay Munay 💜
Thank you for sharing 💜 so beautiful, so meaningful 💜